Sunday, 5 November 2017

Orcha through the eyes of womanhood

Today, I decided to write about something different. Not about travel, which I usually write about. I have traveled through many parts of India as well as some parts of the world. Except visiting,  the places of interest I tend to study the life of people, type of food, political and socio-cultural aspect of that place etc. What I also observe is the condition of women in that place. And Orcha surprised me in this regard. Having a guide with us is very necessary while going around in a historical place. While visiting the places in Orcha we also appointed a guide. In the European countries, lady guides are quite common, but in India, I have never met a woman guide before this. In Orcha I met Premlata Ray, the one and only lady guide of Orcha. She is a graduate and also trained for working as a guide. I was happy to see India changing. I was happy for her. Talking about women empowerment is rather easy for me, living in a city. But Premlata faces a lot of sexist remarks and hindrance in working alone. Her struggle does not belong to her alone, but to the women of India, who faces discrimination in their workplace. This is my humble request to you all if you happen to be in Orcha( in the palaces) look for Premlata as a guide. Praise her, encourage her and let womanhood win.
 P.s. Premlata Ray- 9981078197

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