Saturday, 21 October 2017

A different Eatery in Shantiniketan

Well, Shantiniketan is a commonplace of interest of Bengalis. Extended weekends are the peak time of visit. Today I will nor write about the usual places of visit in Shantiniketan since they are well known and widely discussed in the net. This August we went for a trip there and decided to try out some new eatery. 12km from Shantiniketan there is an eatery called "BONOLAXMI'. We decided to have our lunch there. We started for the place in afternoon. On the way we came to know that, prior bookings had to be made in order to eat there. None of the google reviews even mentioned it.I tried calling up the numbers but which were unavailable. On reaching there we found a huge number of people awaiting lunch and we had no chance. We were hungry. Luckily next to banalaxmi we found, Barishaler Rannaghar. I went down there are requested if we can a meal and luckily they agreed. The food served was simply excellent. We had ilish and rui and both tasted yummy. The whole set up was of a mud house and they served delicious Bengali cuisne. The price also was moderate. This place is not in google map till now, but the next time you visit shantiniketan make sure you visit this eatery. I am adding the details. But try to make a prior appointment in peak seasons. 

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